
Wir bringen unsere Boutique zu Euch

Hallo Ihr Lieben Ich dachte mir, ich bring einfach den Laden zu Euch, dann könnt Ihr trotz allem lokal shoppen. Ich wünsche Euch einen schönen Tag und gute Gesundheit Salome

Blue Winter

Another new year for «ungewohnt» inspired another new design from Salome. This beautiful work of art you see below was created through etching and Photoshop. Although of course I expected myself not understanding what it is when I saw it, I was sure that time that at that first sight, I saw an extraordinary art. At first I was not realizing it was done manually, I mean, I thought it was done using a software or application in a Computer that made all the lines of the design perfect. But of course and as always, there’s always hard work behind every Salomes beautiful creation. According to her, she used the art printing process called LITHOGRAPHY. She took different courses about Art which brought her the initiative to create Designs like this. In addition, her inspiration of nature will always be great influence to herself and her designs. Etching is traditionally the process of using strong acid or mordant to cut into the unprotected parts of a metal surface to create a design in intaglio (incised) in the metal.[14] In modern manufacturing, other chemicals may be used on other types of material. As a method of printmaking, it is, along with engraving, the most important technique for old master prints, and remains in wide use today. In a number of modern variants such as microfabrication etching and photochemical milling it is a crucial technique in much modern technology, including circuit boards. It is really amazing when «ungewohnt » speaks art and nature. The combination of these two is so strong and with Salome putting justification on them, is indeed a great piece of inspiration to me and to all of us Lyn

The Beginning of Sustainability

I cannot help but realized along the years of working in «ungewohnt» and with Salome, my whole outlook about the environment changed. I started to get curious about S U S T A I N A B I L I T Y. And as days passing by, I try to research and read more and more about sustainability, get myself curious about it and tried to find ways on how I can slowly apply it to my lifestyle. Before Salome introduced me «ungewohnt», I thought I was already Eco-Friendly. I mean, growing up in an Asian household, we have already general rules inside our house like Turn off the lights before we sleep or the general rule in every house I guess, is to “NEVER go out the house without turning off the lights. Also, like don’t waste food and don’t take more than what you need. I also thought I’m owning already “CONSCIOUS CLOSET”, Why? Because I grew up not having a lot of clothes in my closet. But then I realized, I’m not even at the tip of being sustainable. Since months I have been trying to be aware of what I am buying. Starting from the clothes especially to avoid Fast Fashion clothes. I always challenge myself to make careful choices first before I spend money. Saving and cutting down usage of plastics by using reusable bags at grocery store, avoiding buying plastic packages. Although I haven’t gone to a Zero Waste Lifestyle, let’s say I am starting to make it LOW WASTE LIFESTYLE instead. I think the most important thing is EDUCATION. And I am looking forward to have more knowledge regarding sustainability and hopefully this constant journey will bring me to self-improvement. The question is. Are you guys with me? Lyn

my journey to “low impact” living

I am currently on my way to my journey to “low impact” living or lets say more well known as “zero waste” living. Since «ungewohnt» started to open up my eyes about Plastic free and all those what basically our environment screams nowadays, lately I am becoming more curious on how to live sustainable. And while reading some eco friendly newsletters, news, following sustainable living bloggers and blogs, I noticed that these two, Plastic Free and Zero Waste way of living are somehow connected to each other. Though, at the moment , I cannot explain yet explicitly what are those, but lets say…. to be continued to our next future blogs:) I visited Berlin for few days and at the Airport I had a 20minute time to walk around and found a special shop with cute accessories and there I found this little cute coffee cup. The design adores me a lot because I like flowers but what made me more interested about it, is because its ZERO WASTE Reusable Cup made from Biodegradable Bamboo Fiber. I came from a country which has plenty of these Bamboo. And honestly, I never thought I will be buying something made out of it. Lucky for me, I just did:) I was reading the whole label and information on its box and I just realized, this little cup does a lot of perks. Some feature of this cup that I like aside from the design, is that it doesn’t leak. Functional checked. Also its antibacterial and dish washer safe. Another benefit I had was the lid is Bamboo, unlike other weird silicone that I believe distracts the flavor of my drink, so this cup was a beautiful buy, I must say! Makes my Coffee…Yum! Oooh well, does this mean I just did an ECO FRIENDLY shopping??:) Thank you for reading and following my Journey. Lyn.

The heart of «ungewohnt»

After months of preparation, our «ungewohnt» family and friends had a blast last week and celebrated our Apero 2019. This years Apero was special because aside from the high number of participants, we were supported by other fair-trades, like Tania from , Silvio from and Laura from We had very interesting discussion and workshops about how to avoid Pastic. Our friends shared a lot of inspiring stories and talks about “Plastic Free” this day. The engagement of the Guests was very high and fruitful discussions took place. Indeed the first Plastic Free Apero was a success. Besides that, I was could catch up with the whole family of «ungewohnt» again. It was nice to meet familiar and new faces again and have a chat and a good time together. Being there and experiencing those special moments, was really a big privilege for me because I can see in my own eyes, the “Heart of «ungewohnt». You know now how lucky I am:) Lyn. From all of us, your «ungewohnt» Team, we would like to extend our deepest gratitude to everybody who continue believing and supporting Salome and our «ungewohnt» Family all these years. Thank you very much and lets cheers for more years together!