
Take action it has always an impact

I had a beautiful yet unexpected experience last week when I had a vacation with my family in the Philippines. Maybe not many of us have already visited this iconic small island called Boracay, located in province of Aklan, Panay island ,Philippines. I am happy to share to you guys after 7 years,I went back there last week and I was unexpectedly surprised of the changed made by the people and the government of the Philippines to rehabilitate the whole island. Over tourism ruined the island for the past years and last year it was closed for 6 month period for tourists to repair and restore its stunning beauty. Whilst this dreamy white beach island is still recovering, I have seen beautiful changes already especially regarding the cleanliness improvement in every part of the island. I have captured also some pictures showing that the island is serious in taking care of the island like having big informative boards about garbage segregation, about ways how to live plastic free, smoking free zones and garbage cans are visible every blocks all along the beach. Not mentioning the new policies and rules in doing marine sports, indeed the island had taken a hundred of steps ahead in taking action for treating beloved our nature. Your Lyn from Philippines with Love. #savetheplanet #philippines #plasticfree #plasticfreeoceans #plasticfreeliving #plasticfreephilippines


While looking at this picture, theres only one thing that reminds me what happened this day. Mixed emotions. Yes it was a mixture of all, me being nervous, excited, curious, happy, worried, grateful, overwhelmed and to be honest, until now, I actually can’t still figure it out what exactly I felt that day. All I know is… that day was so MAGICAL.. This day I am referring to was our WALK THE LAKE FASHION SHOW 2019 Spring edition which was held in Richterswil. It was my second time representing „ungewohnt“ Piece of Art to a real crowd. Yes it was a day with a lot of people gathered because of their love of Fashion. By the way, Richterswil is such a lovely town with such a lovely people. But let me focus again with this picture of clothes that you see above. They were the precious collection of Salome this year. These clothes was all made for all of models (Lucky me, including me).  to wear in the Fashion Show. They are all the ungewohnt Pieces which created and personally designed by Salome made from different materials such as Tulle, Cotton, Upcycled materials and other textiles. On this day, I remember not only the attitude of all the models but also the emotions behind them while wearing „ungewohnt“ clothes. They were all simply COOOOOOOLLLL…. They expressed their love of fashion in their own ways. They showed their mixed emotions and personalities to the crowd without hesitation. Not to mention that precious bond that was created that day among the models, I am proud to say, that day, also opened the door to new members of „ungewohnt“ family. I cannot explain exactly by words how Salome did all of these amazing work in a limited time, but she incredibly made her „ungewohnt“ Collection for this year Walk the Lake Fashion Show, A No Doubt impeccable. Do you wanna know how Salome created all of her ungewohnt piece of art? Well, I guess we will need to be more connected then.:) Stay tuned!!! Lyn.

Special Happiness in Nature

Today we went to a paradise. Yes. It was a paradise called “Sihlsprung”. As we started walking, my eyes rolled immediately after seeing huge rocks, questioning myself “Where those big and scary rocks came from?”. Thanks to Salome (because I did not need to ask GOOGLE anymore) and happily told me the story behind those massive rocks. It was so relaxing, hearing the movement of water that flows all along the river, walking along tunnels and very high trees above us, everywhere valley of grassy rocks. We really enjoyed the walk that we didn’t noticed time is running so fast. We had a lot of pictures we wanted to take, and surprisingly even we took more than what we need. I realized M O R E now that “ungewohnt” and nature brings special happiness. After the walk, we left the place with 100% promise that it will not be the last day of us going there. So see you soon “Sihlsprung”…….

Let the sunshine in

Endlich ist die Sonne wieder da. Nun kommt die Zeit für Blumen. Jedes Jahr im Frühling, darf ich mich aufs Neue auf eine schöne Blumenpracht freuen. Im Jahr 2012 waren es diese Lilien die als Vorlage für die berühmte Ungewohnt Lilie auf den Internetseite Diente. An einem sonnigen Tag hab ich mich hingesetzt und sie abgezeichnet.

Das Label ungewohnt entwickelt sich immer weiter. Wir wollen Euch daran Teil haben lassen und berichten Euch von Zeit zu Zeit aus unserem Unternehmer Leben. Ihr könnt auch aktive sein, wenn Ihr wollt, schickt uns Texte und Bilder zu unserem Label oder zu lokaler Produktion oder nachhaltiger Mode und wir veröffentlichen diese gerne in diesem Blog.

Also dann bis bald und alles Liebe Lyn und Salome